米征老师的作品往往描绘的是平凡人的平凡生活,芸芸众生逃离大城市来到乡间无非是为了一睹自然生态原貌,一听风吹松针的宁静,一嗅人间烟火。画家何尝不是如此,他描绘的不过是平凡农村人家的闲时 时光,这样的作品应当属于任何一个想大隐隐于市的人,方寸之间,与天地精神往来之。面对广阔的草原,绵延不绝的高山,对逝去的时光的追忆,对故乡的情抑或对刹那间某些情绪的捕捉成就了此作。
•Associate Professor, Master Tutor
•Graduated from the Sichuan Fine Art Institute in 1982, bachelor of arts degree
•Teaching at the Arts College of Sichuan University
•Artworks have been selected for the Ninth National Art Exhibition, Twelfth National Art Exhibition, and the fourth session of the China Sports Art Exhibition
•Sculpture “The Sound of Desert” has been selected by the Chinese West Wind Sculpture Exhibition Tour
•Participated in many art exhibitions and received dozens of awards
Artist Statement
Mi Zheng’s works describe ordinary life of ordinary people. Urban people visit rural areas in order to enjoy nature and peace. So do artists. Mi Zheng depicts the idle time of rural life; every corner of his work provokes engagement with nature and draws out the spiritual longing of hermits. Within his compositions, we can find expansive pasture, endless stretches of mountains, memories of the past, deep nostalgia for hometown, and also instantaneous reactions to them all.