@Infinitum (Create + Lead + Learn)
Traveling Exchange Exhibit of Faculty Work
2015 (创 + 导 + 学) 无止境@ 教授作品 交流巡回展
这是一场跨文化的视觉盛宴: 独特的个人视角、独有的文化故事及与之相关的概念和技术信息,通过先进媒介来分享给各位受众。来自3所高校的54件应邀参展作品,将构成一个关于“承先启后”的集体宣言,在展示从各自传统中汲取的文化精华的同时,也体现了艺术家们关于演变与鉴别的新认识。
About The Exhibit
This is a culture-bridging show in which unique personal and cultural stories, as well as related conceptual and technical information, can be shared with diverse audiences via advanced media at Kent State University Museum. Works of the 54 invited participants from three universities will form a collective manifesto of continuities, featuring essentials they wish to retain from their traditions and testing new ideas that embody their visions of change and distinction.
Venue: Kent State University Museum, Kent, Ohio, USA
Duration: July 24, 2015 – January 10, 2016
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 1 from 5pm to 7pm
Dr. Koon Kan
Associate Professor, Art Education
School of Art
Kent State University
Janice Lessman-Moss
Professor, Textile Art
School of Art
Kent State University