该图以传统白描手法较为细腻地塑造了这位撰写了《道德经》五千言的智者形象。老子是 中国传统文化的化身,他的学说充满着对宇宙、对人类社会、对人的生命存在生生不息的 关照和探究,是东方智慧的结晶,是中国古代哲学的思想基础,在中国家喻户晓,该画的 创作表达出对这位先哲的无上崇敬。
Born in 1958, Zhu Xinghua is professor in the College of Art and Design at HNU and supervisor of postgraduates.
Purple Air Comes from the East—Portrait of Laotzu
This work by traditional line drawing portrays the figure of the sage who writes the “Tao-te-ching”. Laotzu is the embodiment of Chinese traditional culture whose theory is full of the explorations and concerns to the universe, human society, and human lives. His thought is the crystallization of the Oriental wisdom, and also the ideological basis of ancient Chinese philosophy. Laotzu is a household word in China. The painting expresses the great reverence for the ancient sage.