1971出生, 2002毕业于天津美术学院油画系 硕士研究生 河北师范大学美术与设计学院油画系主任,副教授 硕士生导师。
现代人生活在一个极大丰富的社会之中,人与人之间,人与环境之间,构成了一个混乱的 文化生态。 原有的界限被打破,而新的秩序却无法建立,人们能做的似乎只有努力的寻 找却始终得不到答案。而就在人类努力前行的同时恰恰遗失了最宝贵的东西。也许,答案 就在于此。
Ren Jian graduated from the Department of Oil Painting of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2002 with a master’s degree. He is associate professor, director of the Department of Oil Painting of the College of Art and Design at HNU, and supervisor of postgraduates.
Modern people live in a rich society, where the people and environment constitute a chaotic cultural ecology. The initial bound is broken, but the new order has not been established. Modern people seem to be looking for the answer, which cannot often be found. However, as human beings continue to move ahead, they just lose their most precious thing. Maybe the answer lies here.