在评价历史题裁的艺术作品时,人们通常会这样说”真实的再现了……”,怎么可能?全是一些 只言片语的堆砌,或者是支离破碎的臆断。再高的手段与技术都不可能复原历史,除非时光倒转。这样说,其实就意味着我们对历史所谓真实呈现的束手无策。真正的真实,也只能是艺术的表现能力与个人理解的自圆自说。所以,本人只能凭着自己对某一历史事件的兴趣、理解和感动去尽情的渲泄。
Huang Xingguo is professor, supervisor of postgraduates, member of the China Artists Association, and dean of the College of Sculpture at Hebei Art Academy.
Shooting on Horsebacks in Hu Dresses
When evaluating an artistic work of history, people always say, “It cannot be more real than that . . .” It’s incredible to sew together the disconnected, broken pieces. The history cannot be restored, no matter how advanced the technique is, unless you can turn the clock back! Thus, we have no way to reconstruct the history. The real truth is just the expressiveness of the art and the personal interpretation of the artist. Thus, I can only express my feelings based on my interest, understanding, and feeling about a historical event.