
教授,中国美术家协会理事长, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴





Bai Yunxiang is professor at HNU and director of the China Artists Association. He enjoys the State Council special allowance.

Mountains in the Fall

The most impressive thing about the Taihang Mountain is the fall scenery. With black waters and cool wind all around me, I look over the bare mountains, brushed and eroded by thousands of years. The uncovered bronze-top rocks are surrounded with withered grasses shaking on the slope. The yellow rocks and gullies look like cloudy waves rising toward the sky. The barely eroded body of the mountain has been worn and torn by the years, symbolizing the strong Chinese nation, holding up the heavens while undergoing ups and downs, but maintaining its dignity. That is the unyielding soul of the Chinese nation. It is so touching to feel the quiet of the mountain echoing through history and space. The thick, solid, intangible, and peaceful mountains never make a sound. Yet the tranquility and peace are breathtaking and present the soul of the mountain. Is this a state of life I am looking for? Does it reflect the experienced destiny of our Chinese nation? When I thought about it, I was speechless.